Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Is It Even Constitutional?

I moved back to my birth state of Michigan several years ago hoping to end my journey of life in the beautiful state I had so much enjoyed. Since returning, the beauty has become very tarnished and I find the state government primarily at fault.

The past couple of years, my family has been plaqued with something called a Driver Responsibility Fee. (Not me, but certainly has affected me negatively). It seems that you can pay a traffic fine to a court, perhaps pay an attorney, pay court costs, then be told that until you pay an arbitrary Drivers Responsibility Fee, you may...and probably will have your license suspended. Once in this system you run around like a blind mouse in a maze lined with razor blades, bleeding money all over the place and finding that your job, your family and your frustration are all affected on a daily basis...all negatively.

I won't, at this point get into details, however, I am looking into the legality of just another arbitrary "tax" levied by the State of Michigan, I guess to make sure that Sec'y. of State offices have nice flat screen computer monitors, etc. I've written the Secretary of State (e-mail) twice, and visited the Lansing Circuit Court twice to try find an avenue to rectify a situation that has cost my family thou$and$ and heartache and frustration beyond description. The court refers me to the Secretary of State website, the Secretary of State offices refer me to the Circuit Court.
....talk about a Catch-22. If I had the time, I could spend hours writing about this and the ability of state officials to ignore all except plaudits by simply running you in circles. I am choosing not to do so because the knot in my stomach and ache in my chest are already reaching explosive proportions.

I would welcome any knowledge or comment on this subject. Bye for today

1 comment:

daiello91 said...

What did you ever find?